Monday, January 4, 2010


Welcome Everyone. Let's face it, most of us went hog wild in the eating department over the holidays even though we knew we should not. Life as we know it is now over. Is it really? It's time to jump right back in there and begin to eat right. Not diet but eat right. Lets begin the year with a new mentality. Lets add the things to our diets that are good (yes healthy food should taste great) instead of making those lists of bad bad bad foods that we can never eat again. Life is about moderation and that thinking just does not work. Thus the high failure rate of diets. Lets start to make small changes to our eating that is for life and learn to eat healthy. The purpose of this blog is for us to work together on small changes that add up to permanent weight loss. We are all different and there are some of us who may need alot of help in a certain area like emotional eating (ladies) but there are some simple changes that can add up to greater health and decreased cravings for those processed carbs. Yahoo, there is hope so dry those tears that keep coming since you stepped on the scale this morning and wondered how you got those extra pounds. I will add some simple steps for you to follow each week and also some thoughts that may help. Send me your questions or what you would like to discuss and we will run with it. The goal is practicality and we do not want to get bogged down and make eating so complicated that we all run for the cookies, ice cream or CHOCOLATE because we are so stressed out. Blessings to all of you who want to join in. Kerry and Cindy

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