Monday, April 26, 2010

Simple Website to Help

Happy Monday Everyone,
I have had this website for awhile and I really like it. It is very simple to use and not done by a company, just by a guy wanting to help others. Check it out:
He has a points counter, carbohydrate counter, calorie counter and a place for you to journal, graphing to keep track of your weight, food tips and recipes that he has found helpful, and many more helps, including a message center that seems very friendly. Hope that this helps. Have a great week! Kerry

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Going to a Fancy Tea! What to Eat?

Well Ladies,
Today I am going to a fancy tea put on by my church. I have helped with the preparation and I know our event today will include: Moroccan chicken salad, spinach and artichoke tarts, celery flagship boats, lemon bars, a muffin, fudge, and the list goes on. Everything I saw being prepared was high in calories and decadent! I have been watching my diet because I want to lose the 5 pounds I put on over winter. What should I do? Should I watch what I eat or should I simply enjoy the day and eat what is placed before me? This is a question that I am always asked by clients who want to know the secret of not eating while attending special events like weddings.

I believe that life is about balance. Diets do not work because we must deny ourselves and life is full of fun events that include food. To be successful we must learn to eat properly most of the time. This goes against our all or nothing thinking which says that if I am trying to diet, then I must never make a mistake or it is the end of the world and I may as well eat everything in sight because I have blown it already. That is the thinking that we must delete.

You have permission to go to special events and enjoy the food without guilt. The key is to continue to eat well the rest of the time. I am eating a healthy breakfast and I will eat a healthy dinner. I will eat all of the tea selections and chat away with my lady friends about how wonderful everything is. I may even go for a walk afterward. But I will feel no guilt, only the joy of this special day.

Ladies, we must learn how to include special eating events into their lives to be successful with weight control because it does not feel good to deny ourselves always. So go to your spring and summer weddings and special events and quit looking for ways to not eat the cake! Enjoy those special events without guilt and continue eating healthy most of the time.

I am off to my "Passport Around the World Tea"!!!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Great article on Yahoo!

I read a great article on Yahoo today written by Deborah Kotz and it's a great review of simple ideas to keep your weight off. Her article is about the tie between weight gain and breast cancer. She lets us know that most of us gain a pound or two each year after age 20 so by the time we are 50, 2/3's of us are overweight and more prone to heart disease, pre-diabetes and breast cancer. SCARY! What can we do?

1. Cut back on Calories. Each decade after age 30 our metabolism slows down by 5 to 7% so by the time we are fifty we need to be eating 300 to 500 less calories than we could at age 20. NOT FAIR! Ladies this is not many calories. There are so many small ways that we can cut this amount of food out of your diets that you will never notice. The fix could be as simple as substituting an Americano for your Latte. Look for ways to make small changes that you will never notice. These small changes will add up to a big payoff. For every 500 calories that you delete daily, you will lose 10 pounds in a year. That is huge!!!! You do not need to go on an all or nothing diet. Just eat what you love and clean up your diet by adding more veggies.

2. Sweat, sweat,sweat! She says that those that work out an hour a day remain thin. This can be walking also. I recently joined a line dance class at the senior center even though I am technically not old enough to be there (haha). In our class of 20 to 30 women hardly anyone is overweight. Why is this? Simple. If you stay active you will keep your weight off. This does not mean you need to sweat at the gym. Join some fun active classes. I have met so many nice ladies and line dancing is a total blast and a pretty good workout! Have fun!!!

3. Lift weights. We all know that muscle burns more calories than fat. So either get some weights and work at home or join a gym and get started.

4. Get enough sleep. Most of us fail here but it is super important. When you do not sleep enough you mess up your bodies ability to regulate your hunger hormones. Take note next time you have a difficult time sleeping and you will notice you are starving the next day no matter how much you eat! This is more difficult as we age but work to keep your sleep under control. Visit your doctor if you can't do it as there are many helps that do not require medication. The better you sleep the less hungry you will be!

5. Eat mini meals. She recommends eating 6 mini meals at 250 to 300 calories per meal. This is hard for us as we like to eat such a large dinner but do your best to eat smaller meals more often. This will help boost your metabolism, stop hunger pains and also an opportunity to eat is always very near! Yeah!

6. Weigh yourself often! I believe you should weigh yourself daily and not freak out if you are a couple of pounds higher one day. Adding or losing weight does not happen overnight but eating a lot of salt one day will make you gain water weight. If you eat a giant meal it will not show up on the scale for 3 or 4 days so you have plenty of time to offset the overeating by proper eating and not gain the weight. Just plot your weight and make sure it averages the same weight. When you are consistently 3 pounds over your ideal weight cut back 500 calories per day till the three pounds are off consistently.

Well ladies, best wishes for keeping the weight down and losing! Simple changes can bring huge rewards!