Sunday, January 24, 2010

Book Recommendation for Emotional Eating

You took the quiz and you are an emotional eater! Welcome to the world of being a woman. We all eat for emotional reasons.

One of my favorite books about Emotional Eating is "Shrink Yourself" by Roger Gould. He says that emotional eating is by far the greatest reason that we gain weight and it is never addressed in dieting. We use food to comfort ourselves and smother our feelings. Then we feel guilty and start the process all over again. Somewhere along the line we need to learn to break this cycle of powerlessness. He says that people feel powerless for five reasons: when we doubt ourselves, feel frustrated, feel vulnerable or unsafe, feel rebellious or angry, or feel empty.

His book is kind of a therapy book designed to help you understand why you overeat and how to break the cycle and take control of your emotions rather than eating. It is a heavy book but very helpful and full of ah-ha moments.

*Weekends are deadly for overeating because we eat out so much and can blow a weeks worth of hard work. Before you venture out remember to look up your calorie stats on-line and choose a meal that fits into your meal plan calorie level. It is impossible to eye ball a menu and choose a meal because foods that sound low calorie are not and foods you think are high calorie are often fine. THE MORE YOU KNOW THE MORE YOU CAN EAT!

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