Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am so sorry you guys, I always promise that I will not rant, but I have a personality that stuff bugs me! The good thing is that I am not mean, but rant I must!

Last night after everyone went to bed, I finally had some alone time! Sat down at my computer to write an article for my website. Got distracted by other articles on my facebook page and ended up in tears! Seriously! Head on my keyboard and in tears! Sad because we are all being taken for a ride by big business who knowingly sell us products full of chemicals. Started by reading an article about the new dirty dozen worst produce. Celery is no longer tops, but apples are! Do not eat apples that aren't organic. They are full of chemicals that can't be stripped away with peeling! Read lots of funny comments like "An apple a day keeps the doctor in pay" or something like that! We laugh, but this is a serious problem! Choose organic produce at least for the top offensive produce!

Read another article about the MRSA epidemic in this country and MRSA in meat production. This was the scariest article I read. Much of our meat is tainted with MRSA. Factory workers are greatly infected! Note to self and others. Please purchase rubber gloves while handling meat products, because some meat is infected, and if you have a cut on your hand and handle raw meat, you could be too. Yes, MRSA is destroyed in cooking, but what about all of us who cook and touch raw meat! SCARY! Sent a note to my local "Bill the Butcher" thanking him for bringing organic, chemical, pesticide, steroid, antibiotic free meat to our local community in Woodinville! See, I told you I was nice! He answered with thanks this morning! He is nice too! Check out their stores!

The MRSA article was the one that brought on the tears. I love vegetarian and vegan food, so I started checking out those sites, wondering if I could actually pull off the switch in a family full of guys! They happily eat anything I produce, but enjoy meat. Not going to happen full time. So rubber gloves it is and organic meat for sure! I am a cheapskate at heart and love deals, but I truly believe keeping my family healthy is a good deal. There are other areas that I can save in! Organic meat is not that much more expensive. I am cooking meals with meat as a side, and not the main attraction anyway. I would encourage all of you to do the same! Great healthy diet habit!

I've also been reading about genetically modified products. How they are taking over regular crops and could in the long term wipe out organic farms. Their seeds blow onto organic farms and take over. Organic farmers are put out of business. Many people do not even know what genetically modified products are. People think as long as they are buying their foods from Whole foods and Trader Joe's, that they are safe. Not so! Both of those stores carry GMO products! What is going on with genetic engineering is frightening. Other countries ban this practice or label GMO foods. America does neither! We all eat GMO foods because they are not labeled. Argentina recently cloned a cow that was given human genes, so it could produce milk more similar to humans! Do other people just not know about this or not care? These frankenfoods sure seem wrong to me. The companies say these products are the same and could not possibly harm us! No proof just words! What will they say in 20 years when it is too late?

So the reason for the tears is that so many people still do not know about all of this! They think people that are against all of this stuff are just nuts. I promise you that I am not a nut. I have a science degree in Dietetics, read scientific articles, and and scared to death for my kids, one of whom has autism! Did it come from something that I unknowing ate, breathed, or drank? Tears!

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