Today is Memorial Day. The usual holiday wish of Happy, as in Happy Memorial Day, just does not fit. This is not a happy day for many families of service men and women who have served, but not come home. Wives, husbands, kids, parents, friends, and the rest of us mourn with those of you who have lost a loved one. Our wishes, prayers, and thoughts are with you today! This will be a day of remembering!
My Dad was a Lt. Col in the Army. He served for a year in Korea and two years in Vietnam. He was a pilot who flew reconnaissance missions in Korea, flew supplies to troops in Vietnam on one tour, and was in charge of an airfield for his second tour of duty! He was gone from home when I was in first grade and ninth grade. Very difficult years for me and my poor Mom, who was left caring for unruly kids who needed their Dad! We are the lucky family though, because our Dad came home and is still with us and doing well.
My heart is with all of the kids without parents, whose parents are serving right now. It is a heavy burden to live with daily, wondering if your Mom or Dad is okay today. Kids are too young to understand what is really going on. My encouragement to everyone is to reach out to these families right now. Do not wait until they have lost their loved one. Reach out right now. Offer what you can. Invite military kids to your father-son camp outs, if their Dad is gone. Mother-daughter activities also! Do whatever you can to help military kids to make it through! This is a way you can greatly serve military families! It could change a kid's life in the process too!
It is easy to honor bravery with kind words but it is another to take action. Take action this year and reach out to military families and include them in your family, your family celebrations, and reach out to their kids! Be a surrogate Mom or Dad in any way that they will allow! Let's celebrate Memorial Day each day this year as we honor those brave servicemen and women and their families!
Thoughts and Prayers for Military Families! Kerry
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