Monday, May 23, 2011

Blogging vs Websites

Great Monday Everyone! I hope the weekend went well for all. Mine was party city! I went to a Young Life Capernaum end of year party, followed by a graduation/birthday/goodbye to Beirut party! Too much fun and too much eating! No so good for a Healthy Diet Habits blogger and website maker!

 I have not been around in the blogging arena for the past three months and I have so missed blogging.  I have been developing a website about healthy diet habits with my lovely sister. I have seen diet after diet fail and this is disheartening.  Being overweight is about both, "what you eat" and also "how and why you eat", which is rarely examined in dieting. I have a great start on a website dedicated to this with over 150 pages so far and into the top 1% in Alexa. I thought I would spend a few minutes talking about website writing vs blogging, in case you are thinking of doing either one!

Blogging is simple. Find a topic you are passionate about, and share your thoughts and feelings about it. Try to make people think and laugh at the same time. Get your point across in a positive manner without offending anyone, although every now and again a good kick in the pants is okay. You can be random, scattered, and jump all over the place, as long as people can follow! Blogging is a blast! The key to a good blog is great organization. People need to be able to find your blog post again. It is good to enter excellent key words and have great titles. Clever titles may be good for a laugh, but may not allow the blog reader to find your post again! Blogging is personal and can be about sharing your story. It's about teaching but being known to others, and letting them see the real you. You can be in the story which is fun. I love blogging because I love to give details in story form. Just ask my poor husband!

Websites on the other hand require planning right from the start. For those of us used to blogging, they can be a serious challenge. There is no sitting down and just writing to your hearts content. There has to be a plan. An overall plan. Where are you going, what are you including, what are your keywords, what is your tiered system. How are you going to link all of your pages together and how will they relate. A good website leads readers from place to place and is easy to follow. This can get difficult and complicated when you add hundreds of pages. And once you get started and into your topic, you should have hundreds of pages! You have to. You have to find a niche within your topic that will give people what they need to know. They must like your website to come back. You must build great content, content, content which will drive more readers to your site. The trick is to provide this great organized content in a manner that is entertaining within your framework. I think most of us want practical information but most websites are not practical. What good is information if you do not understand how to use it. I have tried to keep this in mind as I have written my website. How can I make this topic practical for my readers who want to get off the diet treadmill, eat for health, lose weight, and keep it off longterm. It is a tall order but doable. My site is a work of love in process so check it out!

Great to be back! Hope that everyone has a great week!


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