Today I went to the store on a hunt for new 100 calorie food snack packs to recommend. Portion Distortion is the reason that most of us gain weight. Our culture has experienced the super-size me mentality, in a big way! Anything that helps us to control our portions is an idea I can recommend! Sounded good to me! I like to try items before I recommend them because sometimes foods that sound good are not. E.G. The 100 calorie chocolate chip cookies should be delish, but are terrible. So my plan was to purchase a few of the new 100 calorie food choices, try them, and recommend them! Sounds like a fun day to me!
I started in the dairy aisle and came upon the Jello pre-done Mousses and Puddings. Yummy! I had heard that they are really good. I added the Jello dark chocolate mousse to my cart, but I glanced at the ingredients. Bad move. The first ingredient was water, then xylitol, and then some form of milk, followed by a bunch of ingredients I did not recognize. I was bummed! Dark chocolate decadence, I want you! I slowly put them back because I want to be healthy, and I want you to be healthy too. The 100 calorie snacks are made from junk, literally. They are not healthy, so eat them sparingly. Maybe buy your favorite box but don't plan on buying them by the pallet!
A Greek yogurt with a few almonds and an apple would taste great as well as give you nutrition! That is what I would recommend. Alas, except for buying a box of Lorne Doone 100 calorie cookies, that are my favorite, I came home empty handed. It is just hard to pay good money for junk, especially when the first ingredient is water!
I will post my healthy snack list in the next couple of days, so check back. Real food tastes so good and fills you up!
Happy Healthy Snacking!
*Just a note. I did find other 100 calorie snack packs of more healthy choices like cubed cheeses, popcorn, nuts and craisins. I would recommend these because they are real foods and not processed ones :)
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