Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another New Year

Wow Everyone,
It's another New Year and if you are like everyone else you are busy trying to live up to your New Year's resolutions! I saw a great comic where a guy goes into a gym and asks, "Do you have a membership deal that will last me just for the first couple weeks of the New Year, when I've fooled myself into believing that I can stick to my "Get in Shape" Resolution? Does that sound like most of us or what?

Let's make this year count and not be like the guy in the comic. Let's not diet, set unrealistic weight goals for ourselves or try to eat foods that we hate. Let's make some simple lifestyle habit changes that will help us become more healthy. I wanted to start the year going through some of my favorite ways to make some simple changes. I think that these changes basically fall into three categories. Our Habits, Emotional Eating and Food choices/Nutrition.

Our Habits are huge and it is in this area that most of us fail. You might need some changes with habits if you:

  1. Eat and Watch television or multi-task
  2. Skip breakfast
  3. Eat straight from a container or bag
  4. Eat at fast food often
  5. Snack all day long
  6. Eat in your car
  7. Put your serving dishes on the table
  8. Eat a lot of food that has a bar code on it.
  9. Eat a lot of processed food
  10. Buy a lot of processed food
  11. Eat most of your calories after 6 PM
  12. Have poor self talk and thoughts
Basically, you can see that I could keep writing indefinitely because there are so many areas in our lives that we have developed poor habits over time. Each of us is very different and has our own set of problem areas. There is no "one size fits all diet" or "diet advice" that works for everyone. I could make the same never ending list for healthy food choices or for Emotional Eating also, but you get the point. We all have different reasons for having weight problems. 

I want to take the blog and help you get started thinking about ways you can make some simple changes that will help you. Please make this year different by not dieting but by making lasting practical changes that will help you lose weight permanently. It is not rocket science like all of the diet books would like us to believe!

Don't be discouraged. There is much hope!



  1. I read your Pre-Christmas Posts. I don't do any Christmas baking myself, but did eat some goodies at the parent's house and the Christmas Eve and News Years Eve parties.

    I expected to have gained a few pounds over the Holidays, but I was excited this morning and found out that I am down 4 lbs instead. Yeah

  2. That is great. You can eat treats and still lose weight! That is what I always tell people. Diets are what tell you that if you eat a treat you will gain weight because you must deny yourself special treats! Not true! Yeah. It is all about eating well most of the time and sane the rest of the time!!!!
