Here are a few tips for Halloween:
1. Do not buy Halloween candy early. It will not last until Halloween. Buy your candy right before Halloween, and do not open it until the first trick or treater arrives. This from someone who has already eaten two bags of candy corn! YIKES!
2. Do not buy your favorite candy. Who can resist Butterfingers, but who is tempted by Twizzlers! Just not the same!
3. Only buy the amount of candy that you will actually need. Do not buy the "Costco bag" if you only have 10 trick or treaters usually.
4. If you have "accidentally" bought too much (right), then throw it away the next day! This is expensive but the expense of gaining weight is greater. Do not send your extra Halloween candy to your adult children, because you can't throw away candy. My mother actually has done this in the past!
5. Hand out candy to your kids, but buy yourself one adult size candy treat that you love. It is better to allow yourself a nice treat like a full size butterfinger than to sneak a few (ok 10) mini butterfingers that add up to many more calories. Know what you eat and plan to include that treat that day. No one is encouraging denial here!
6. Be boring and healthy and hand out a healthy treat. This year I have purchased "100 calorie snack packs of "craisins", which I will be handing out. If there are leftovers that is great. We will use them on our cereal! All of that groaning is my husband and son complaining that we do not have real candy!
Halloween begins the season of open eating. Lets be proactive this year. I heard a quote this year that I love. Eat great 80% of the time and sane 100% of the time. Let's be sane this year people and avoid "Scale Shock" in January!