Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Manage Your Life

Still trying to "Lose Weight?" It's June and we are almost halfway through the year. Are you where you want to be weight wise? If not consider some changes:

1. Avoid and Learn to Manage your Stress. Many of us use food as a stress reliever for initial stress relief but unfortunately the long term effects of overeating cause us poor health and more stress as our weight increases. Take the time develop ways to combat your stress. This could be asking for help, calling friends, taking a walk, getting more sleep, prayer or meditation, and most of all knowing your limits or as we call it in our family-living in the real world. Be honest with yourself and make those changes.

2. Begin to make "Food Policies" that work for you. There is no "One Plan Works for All." You must look at your life and evaluate the areas that are causing you to fail and make some rational policies that you will follow. Some of your food policies might look like:

a. Each family member scrapes their plate into the trash so you will not pick while doing the dishes. Remember 5 extra bites daily can add 15 pounds this year.

b. Dessert will be an eat out affair and not something you purchase at home and eat daily. Try McDonalds soft serve cone (150 calories) rather than buying the carton of ice cream and eating it daily or in a huge quantity.

c. Only eat half of a take out meal and save the rest for lunch the next day.

Basically ladies, losing weight is a mind game. We must connect our minds when it comes to eating rather than existing in auto pilot and not thinking about what we eat. You Can Do It!!!