It is important to have planned healthy distractions that you can do rather than eat when the moment hits. It is important to identify what you are feeling at the time. Are you feeling "lonely? Your plan might be to call a friend or diet buddy to chat. Are you "bored"? Your plan might be to develop some new hobbies or volunteer for a worthy cause or go for a walk. Knitting is great as your hands are occupied making it difficult to eat! Are you "tired"? Your plan might be to just go to bed. Are you "mad"? Your plan might be to develop some new communication skills and work through your anger. It is important to have a preplanned attack for emotional eating rather that using food as a temporary fix for your feelings. Your goal is to develop a plan this week and actually implement this plan when your feelings are urging you to eat. Remember food is just a temporary fix for your hurts.
Physically speaking there are a few things you can do to avoid emotional eating also.
1. Do not buy binge foods for your home. No brainer, but most of us buy the junk food that takes us down the road to emotional eating.
2. Plan fun into your life. Most of us do not do many things for fun in our lives. Live a little!!!!!
3. Eat your three healthy foods before you binge. Try a yogurt, apple and two handfuls of baby carrots before you binge. This will save calories as you will usually be full enough to avoid a binge.
* Many of you have had some very difficult things happen in your lives that have led to your emotional eating. Many of them are unspeakable things. There are times when you might need to seek a counselor to work through these difficult problems. Take those steps toward healing.
Happy Valentines Day to all! Love yourself this week and develop those strategies!