Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Pay attention to Food- Increase fiber to 35 grams, lean protein, and fruits and vegetables. Decrease starchy carbs to one serving for lunch and dinner. Eliminate processed carbs unless it is an event day. Add one 150 calorie treat each day. Practice portion control. Practice the half plate rule for lunch and dinner each day.

Fill out your meal planning sheet and stick to it as much as possible.

Pre-portion snacks and treats to 100, 150 or 200 calorie portions.

Eat breakfast within 90 minutes of rising. Eat a very high fiber cereal.

Do not mindlessly eat while watching television, movies, reading, driving or wherever you mindlessly eat. Plan it out.

Decrease the size of your dishes.

Pay attention to hunger and fullness.

Review your motivation daily. Look at your 3x5 card.

Plan your eating out by matching your choice to your meal planner. All calorie statistics are available online.

Limit your choices of baked goods. The more choices of goodies you bake the more you will eat. Put them away and do not leave them sitting out.

Be careful before you drink. Drinks can be loaded with calories. Many coffees are a meals worth of calories. Alcohol is high also. Count them in.

Serve your meals and only offer seconds of salad or veggies. Do not serve family style ever. Always use the half plate rule. ½ plate veggies and fruits, ¼ lean protein and ¼ complex carb (1/2 cup is a serving size)

Delete all or nothing thinking.

Beware of extra-curricular eating like samples at Costco. All food counts.